La perception de jeunes lesbiennes et gais concernant l'attitude de leurs parents à l'égard de leur homosexualité
Résumé : cette étude vise à
mieux appréhender les facteurs de vulnérabilité des jeunes lesbiennes et
gais en lien avec les attitudes de leurs parents vis-à-vis de leur
homosexualité. elle a été menée en France auprès de 82 jeunes lesbiennes
et gais. au sein du groupe, 66 % affirment avoir déjà eu des idées
suicidaires tandis que 31 % disent avoir déjà fait au moins une
tentative de suicide. ces résultats mettent en lumière la vulnérabilité
de cette population. par ailleurs, les résultats montrent qu'une
attitude paternelle perçue comme rejetante est corrélée à la présence
d'idées suicidaires et à la réalisation d'au moins une tentative de
suicide. de plus, lorsque la réaction maternelle est perçue
négativement, elle est corrélée à des difficultés d'interaction sociale
et à un fort niveau d'inquiétude. l'attitude parentale perçue par les
jeunes lesbiennes et gais constitue donc un élément probant de la
détresse et du risque suicidaire élevé dans ce groupe.
Mots-clés :
Littérature citée [38 références]
Contributeur : Elodie Charbonnier <>
Soumis le : vendredi 12 janvier 2018 - 15:55:55
Dernière modification le : mardi 16 janvier 2018 - 01:18:17
Contributeur : Elodie Charbonnier <>
Soumis le : vendredi 12 janvier 2018 - 15:55:55
Dernière modification le : mardi 16 janvier 2018 - 01:18:17
Characteristics of Stress and Suicidal Ideation in theDisclosure of Sexual Orientation among Young French LGB Adults
Elodie Charbonnier 1,2,*, Florence Dumas 3, Adam Chesterman 3 and Pierluigi Graziani 1,2
1 LPS (Laboratoire Psychologie Sociale), Aix Marseille University, 13100 Aix en Provence, France;
2 Department Psychology, Letter, Languages and History, LPS (Laboratoire Psychologie Sociale),30000 Nimes, France
3 Department Psychology, Letter, Languages and History, Laboratoire CHROME (Détection, Evaluation,Gestion de Risques CHOniques etéMergenst), 30000 Nimes, France; (F.D.); (A.C.)
*Correspondence: elodie.charbonnier@unimes.frReceived: 16 January 2018; Accepted: 4 February 2018; Published: 7 February 2018
Abstract:Background: Lesbians, gays, and bisexual people (LGB) present high levels of suicidalideation. The disclosure of sexual orientation is a stressful experience which presents a high suiciderisk. Research has not paid sufficient attention to stress during this disclosure in order to understandsuicide among LGB people. The aims of this study were to investigate: (1) the characteristics ofstress during this revelation, more precisely cognitive appraisal, emotions, and coping; and (2)associations between these characteristics and suicidal ideation.Method: A total of 200 LGB youngadults answered the “Stressful situation assessment questionnaire”, focusing on the most stressfuldisclosure of sexual orientation they have ever experienced.Results: Avoidance coping is a goodpredictor of suicidal ideation, and mediates the association between primary appraisal (risk “Harmmyself and others”) and suicidal ideation.Conclusions: Our study illustrates the need to betterunderstand stress during the disclosure of sexual orientation to prevent and care for suicide riskamong LGB young adults.
Acces : file:///C:/Users/CPS/AppData/Local/Temp/ijerph-15-00290-v2.pdf
Characteristics of Stress and Suicidal Ideation in theDisclosure of Sexual Orientation among Young French LGB Adults
Elodie Charbonnier 1,2,*, Florence Dumas 3, Adam Chesterman 3 and Pierluigi Graziani 1,2
1 LPS (Laboratoire Psychologie Sociale), Aix Marseille University, 13100 Aix en Provence, France;
2 Department Psychology, Letter, Languages and History, LPS (Laboratoire Psychologie Sociale),30000 Nimes, France
3 Department Psychology, Letter, Languages and History, Laboratoire CHROME (Détection, Evaluation,Gestion de Risques CHOniques etéMergenst), 30000 Nimes, France; (F.D.); (A.C.)
*Correspondence: elodie.charbonnier@unimes.frReceived: 16 January 2018; Accepted: 4 February 2018; Published: 7 February 2018
Abstract:Background: Lesbians, gays, and bisexual people (LGB) present high levels of suicidalideation. The disclosure of sexual orientation is a stressful experience which presents a high suiciderisk. Research has not paid sufficient attention to stress during this disclosure in order to understandsuicide among LGB people. The aims of this study were to investigate: (1) the characteristics ofstress during this revelation, more precisely cognitive appraisal, emotions, and coping; and (2)associations between these characteristics and suicidal ideation.Method: A total of 200 LGB youngadults answered the “Stressful situation assessment questionnaire”, focusing on the most stressfuldisclosure of sexual orientation they have ever experienced.Results: Avoidance coping is a goodpredictor of suicidal ideation, and mediates the association between primary appraisal (risk “Harmmyself and others”) and suicidal ideation.Conclusions: Our study illustrates the need to betterunderstand stress during the disclosure of sexual orientation to prevent and care for suicide riskamong LGB young adults.
Acces : file:///C:/Users/CPS/AppData/Local/Temp/ijerph-15-00290-v2.pdf