Un nouveau collectif sur les nouvelles technologies et la prévention du suicide
Source http://blogsgrms.com/cthoer/un-nouveau-collectif-nouvelles-technologies-prvention-suicide/Brian Mishara, directeur du CRISE-UQAM et Ad Kerkhof viennent de publier un collectif aux éditions Palgrave Macmilan intitulé : Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Evidence based Pratice.
L’ouvrage dresse un tour d’horizon très complet des usages d’Internet
concernant la question du suicide et les stratégies d’intervention en
prévention du suicide qui mobilisent les nouvelles technologies et
notamment les médias sociaux.
Mishara, Brian & Kerkhof, Ad. (2013). Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Evidence based Pratice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Table des matières
1. Suicide Prevention and New Technologies: Towards Evidence Based Practice; Brian L. Mishara and Louis-Philippe Côté
2. Expressing, Communicating and Discussing Suicide: Nature,
Effects and Methods of Interacting Through Online Discussion Platforms; Christine Thoër
3. E-Therapies in Suicide Prevention: What Do They Look Like, Do They Work and What Is the Research Agenda? Simon Hatcher
4. Reducing The Burden of Suicidal Thoughts Through Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Self Help; Ad J.F.M. Kerkhof, Bregje van Spijker, and Jan Mokkenstorm
5. Challenges in the Control and Regulation of Suicide Promotion and Assistance over the Internet; Brian L. Mishara and David N. Weisstub
6. Mental Health Online: A Self Report E-Learning Program for
Enhancing Recognition, Guidance and Referral of Suicidal Adolescents; Rezvan Ghoncheh, Carmen E. Vos, Hans M. Koot and Ad J.F.M. Kerkhof
7. Avatars and The Prevention of Suicide Among Adolescents; Xavier Pommereau
8. Crisis Chat: Providing Chat-Based Emotional Support; Mary Drexler
9. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and New Technologies in Suicide Prevention: Crisis Chat and Social Media Initiatives; Gillian Murphy
10. Results and Experiences of 113Online, a Comprehensive Dutch Online Suicide Prevention Platform; Jan. K. Mokkenstorm, Annemiek Huisman; Ad J.F.M. Kerkhof and Jan Smit
11. Suicide Bereavement Online: Sharing Memories, Seeking Support, and Exchanging Hope; Karolina Krysinska and Karl Andriessen
12. Innovating to Treat Depression and Prevent Suicide: The IPhone@PSY ASSISTANCE Application; Réal Labelle, Antoine Bibaud-De Serres and François-Olivier Leblanc
13. Promising Practices, Future Prospects and Research Agenda; Ad J.F.M. Kerkhof and Brian L. Mishara
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