vendredi 26 septembre 2014

RESSOURCE EN LIGNE : Dernier numéro de la revue Suicidology Online (SOL)

Suicidology Online 2014 (vol. 5)  SOL ISSUE_VOL 5 N°1 
Marco Sarchiapone & Zoltán Rihmer
Suicidology Online 2014; 5:1-81.

une revue en suicidologie en accès libre (en anglais )

Table des matières du vol 5, 2014
Suicidology Online: Continuity and Innovation,
Marco Sarchiapone & Zoltán Rihmer

Review Article Uncovering and Identifying the Missing Voices in Suicide Bereavement
Myfanwy Maple, Julie Cerel, John R. Jordan, & Kathy McKay

Original Articles
Suicide risk, reasons, attitudes and cultural meanings among young German students: An
exploratory study. Christian Tarchi, Erminia Colucci

Health Care Professional Attitudes Toward Interventions to Prevent Suicide.Brian Draper, Karolina Krysinska, Diego De Leo, John Snowdon

Extreme Traumatisation and Suicide Notes from Lithuania: A Thematic Analysis
Antoon A. Leenaars, Danutė Gailienė, Susanne Wenckstern, Lindsey Leenaars, Jelena
Trofimova, Ieva Petravičiūtė, B.C. Ben Park

The need for and barriers to professional help – a qualitative study of the bereaved
Kari Dyregrov, Gro Berntsen & Anne Silviken 

Essay Oppression and Suicide David Lester

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