
jeudi 11 août 2022

ETUD RECHERCHE NOTICE ARTICLE Tenter de suicider pendant le covid-19: Étude sociologique

Tenter de suicider pendant le covid-19: Étude sociologique
Pierre Brasseur 1, 2 
1 Unité INSERM156-59045, Lille, France
2 F2RSM Psy - Fédération régionale de la recherche en psychiatrie et santé mentale Hauts-de-France [Lille]
Abstract : This sociological research aims to present a qualitative analysis based on semi-structured interviews and observations to qualitatively observe the difficulties of dealing with suicide attempts in the pandemic context. Indeed, many concerns, reinforced by the magnitude of the crisis and the unprecedented nature of the measures taken, have emerged about the consequences of the pandemic context on the mental health of the world population. It, therefore, seems particularly important to us to qualitatively analyze the impact of the pandemic and the health measures on suicidal behaviour (suicide and death by suicide) in a particularly vulnerable population. Thus, the survey consisted of floating observation (Balard et al., 2016) and of semi-structured interviews with professionals, men and women, in two hospitals.
Contributeur : Pierre Brasseur
Soumis le : mardi 9 août 2022 - 07:30:45
Dernière modification le : mercredi 10 août 2022 - 03:21:35

Pierre Brasseur. Tenter de suicider pendant le covid-19: Étude sociologique. [Rapport de recherche] INSERM; DRESS MIRE; Université Lille 2. 2022. ⟨halshs-03747904⟩