
lundi 9 juillet 2018

IRLANDE Développement du programme de formation des enseignants SafeTALK

09 juillet 2018 - Le ministre Bruton annonce une expansion importante de la formation des enseignants en prévention du suicide.*

Le programme SafeTALK a été étendu à 6 centres d'éducation supplémentaires dans tout le pays.

Le ministre annonce également une formation sur l'intervention en cas d'incidents critiques qui sera dispensée dans toutes les écoles post-primaires du pays au cours des deux prochaines années.

Le ministre"for Education and Skills", Richard Bruton T.D., a annoncé aujourd'hui (9 juillet 2018) qu'au cours des deux prochaines années, les enseignants de toutes les écoles post-primaires du pays recevront une formation sur la façon de réagir lorsqu'un incident critique se produit dans leur communauté scolaire. Le ministre a également annoncé une extension significative du programme SafeTALK à six autres centres d'éducation dans tout le pays.

Cette annonce s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'objectif plus large du ministre de soutenir le bien-être des élèves dans toutes les écoles, dans le cadre de son ambition de faire du système éducatif irlandais le meilleur d'Europe d'ici 2026.

Un incident critique est défini comme un incident ou une série d'événements qui dépasse le mécanisme d'adaptation normal de l'école, par exemple, un suicide ou un accident de la route impliquant un membre de la communauté scolaire. La formation sur l'intervention en cas d'incidents critiques sera dispensée par le Service national de psychologie éducative (NEPS) et les enseignants de toutes les écoles post-primaires du pays auront la possibilité de participer à la formation au cours des deux prochaines années.

Le programme SafeTALK est un programme de formation internationalement reconnu qui met l'accent sur la sécurité tout en remettant en question les tabous qui empêchent de parler ouvertement du suicide. Un modèle de programme ciblant spécifiquement les enseignants et autres membres du personnel scolaire a été élaboré par le Département et l'Office national de prévention du suicide. Cette formation a commencé au cours de l'année scolaire 2017/18 dans 6 centres éducatifs. Aujourd'hui, le ministre a annoncé que le cours sera disponible dans six autres centres d'éducation dès le début de la nouvelle année scolaire. Les écoles situées dans la zone de chaque centre éducatif seront invitées à envoyer deux membres du personnel concernés pour participer à la formation SafeTALK.

En faisant cette annonce aujourd'hui, le ministre Bruton a déclaré : " Je tiens à mettre en place autant de mesures de protection que possible dans nos écoles, afin de nous assurer que nous aidons nos élèves les plus vulnérables. Malheureusement, alors que nous mettons l'accent sur les mesures préventives dans nos écoles - comme le travail que nous faisons sur notre programme de bien-être à vélo junior, il est parfois nécessaire qu'une école réponde à un incident critique.

"Faire face aux conséquences d'incidents critiques est devenu une tâche difficile mais nécessaire pour un certain nombre d'écoles au cours des dernières années. La formation que nous annonçons aujourd'hui permettra à toutes les écoles d'être prêtes à réagir à un tel incident.

"SafeTALK est un programme internationalement reconnu qui peut aider les enseignants à aborder le suicide en toute sécurité. C'est une conversation très importante à avoir et je suis heureux d'élargir considérablement la disponibilité de cette formation.

"Enfin, j'aimerais offrir mes plus sincères condoléances et même mon admiration à toutes les écoles et à toutes les familles qui ont fait preuve d'une force, d'une compassion et d'une résilience extraordinaires dans les moments de tragédie. Je reconnais l'expérience, la compétence et les compétences inestimables que les enseignants possèdent déjà dans le traitement des enfants et des jeunes en période de détresse".


Compléments d' informations du communiqué de presse : 

Note à l'intention des rédacteurs en chef :

Critical Incidents 
NEPS Critical Incident Response Service
The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) provides assistance (on request) to all schools that experience critical incidents.  School authorities wishing the support of a NEPS psychologist in the aftermath of a critical incident should contact their local NEPS office.
The training being announced today is based on the NEPS publication, Responding to Critical Incidents: Guidelines & Resource Materials for Schools (2016) which was launched by Minister Bruton in 2016 and distributed to all schools in the country. This publication is based on international research on best practice in critical incident response.
Definition and Types of incidents
NEPS defines a Critical Incident as an incident or series of events that overwhelms the normal coping mechanism of the school. The kinds of critical incidents experienced by schools includes suicide or suspected suicide, death due to violence, illness or accidental death (e.g. road traffic accidents, drowning).
Overview of Critical Incident Guidelines for Schools 
The guidelines cover the broad areas of prevention, planning and intervention
  • A general description of the role of NEPS.
  • Prevention.
  • Preparation and planning.
  • Issues around suicide, road traffic accidents and violent death.
  • Dealing with the media.
  • Critical incidents during certificate exams.
  • Resource Materials, Handouts and Templates for schools responding to a critical incident. 
Prevention: This section briefly describes elements of schools’ policies and practices that promote mental health and wellbeing. It highlights the need for staff training and awareness as well as procedures for responding to vulnerable students.
Preparation & Planning: This section details how to prepare for a critical incident and covers:
  • What is a critical incident
  • The establishment of a Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT)
  • Key administrative tasks
  • A checklist for reviewing policy and plan 
The next three sections set out a recommended action plan for schools and a step by step guide through the various stages of the response:
  • Short term actions – Day 1
  • Medium term actions – Days 2/3
  • Follow-up actions 
In the aftermath of a tragedy, NEPS advises that schools focus not only on supporting vulnerable /at-risk students, but also focus on enabling a return to normal learning routines as soon as possible as well as positive mental health and resilience promoting activities.
In the immediate aftermath of a critical incident the school’s Critical Incident Management Team activates the Critical Incident Management Plan which may include:
  • Communicating with students, staff and parents about the tragedy.
  • Accessing appropriate support including service from NEPS and other community agencies.
  • Liaising with bereaved families.
  • At families’ request, organising school involvement in the funeral ceremony.
  • Communicating with parents about supporting their children.
  • Identifying students at risk, communicating with their parents and linking them into appropriate services.
  • Monitoring school attendance.
  • Dealing with media.
  • Information and advice about dealing with particular types of incidents; e.g. death by suicide/ suspected suicide, road traffic accidents and violent deaths.
  • How to best deal with media interest and advice on use of social media.
  • NEPS’ role during certification examinations is addressed. 
The approach of the Department of Education and Skills/NEPS to promoting well-being and preventing suicide among young people 
Despite the implementation of evidence-based suicide prevention and mental health promotion practices in our schools, sadly, some suicides continue to occur. The Department of Education and Skills/NEPS promotes a comprehensive and whole-school community approach to the promotion of positive mental health and the prevention of suicide, as well as individual young people with identified need. This approach is based on national and international evidence and best practice. Current best practice advises that suicide prevention should focus on building protective factors, including resilience, in young people to enable them to cope with the various challenges they encounter during adolescence.
The Department has been active in publishing guidelines for schools to support them in the area of social and emotional development and in dealing with crisis situations as follows:
The above guidelines suggest approaching prevention at the following levels:
  • School Support for All is a whole-school approach that focuses on promoting positive mental health for all members of the school community.
  • School Support for Some is embedded in a whole-school approach and specifically focuses on the early identification of a small number of young people or groups who are at risk of developing unhealthy patterns of behaviour or who are already showing early signs of mental health difficulties.
  • School Support for a Few builds on a whole-school approach and focuses on putting in place interventions for young people with more complex and enduring needs. These young people, relatively few in number, usually require the involvement of external agencies that support and complement the work of the school.
  • The Well-Being Guidelines were developed collaboratively between the Department of Education and Skills, the Department of Health and the Health Service Executive and are informed by current research. They provide practical guidance on how schools can promote mental health and well-being in an integrated school-wide way and also provide evidence-based advice on how to support young people who may be at risk of suicidal behavior.
  • The Guidelines build on the significant work already taking place in schools, including implementing the Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum. The effective implementation of the SPHE curriculum provides a scaffold and framework to foster the health/well-being of young people in a planned and structured way. Support for implementation is available from the Professional Development Support Service for Teachers, NEPS and other external agencies and services.
  • Student Support Teams in Post-Primary Schools was issued to schools in 2014 and the NEPS service actively supports and advises schools on the development or review of Student Support Teams. 
About safeTALK
SafeTALK 'suicide alertness for everyone' is a half day training programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources.
SafeTALK training enables participants to;
  • Identify people who have thoughts of suicide.
  • Recognise that invitations to help are often overlooked.
  • Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid signs of suicide risk.
  • Apply the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keep safe) steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to people and agencies that can help.
  • Connect the person with thoughts of suicide to suicide first aid help and further community resources.