SANTE INTERNATIONALE : Panorama de la santé en Europe
L'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique (OCDE) publie
« Health at a
glance:Europe 2012 » un panorama de la santé en Europe
en 2012. Ce rapport présente les tendances et les différences entre les pays
européens sur cinq sujets... (dont le suicide)HEALTH AT A GLANCE: EUROPE 2012 © OECD 2012
1.7.1. Suicide mortality rates, 2010 (or nearest year)
Source: Eurostat Statistics Database. Data are age-standardised to the WHO European standard population.
1.7.2. Change in suicide rates,
1995-2010 (or nearest year)
1995-2010 (or nearest year)
Source: Eurostat Statistics Database. Data are age-standardised to the
WHO European standard population.
WHO European standard population.
1.7.3. Trends in suicide rates,
selected European countries, 1995-2010
selected European countries, 1995-2010
Source: Eurostat Statistics Database. Data are age-standardised to the
WHO European standard population.
WHO European standard population.